Wednesday, 7 March 2012

London riots case study write up

Below is London riot activity. Mkae sure that you embed YouTube clips together with your analysis of the coverage. These will form case study examples which will help your exam answer so make sure that these are completed in some detail.

  • Collect and embed examples of news coverage of the London riots from YouTube.
    - For each news report discuss how youths are represented.
    - Who do the reporters interview?
    - What images are used in the broadcast? What does this suggest about representation of the riots?
    - Is the broadcast biased?
    - Are youths given a fair voice?

  • Collate a selection of stories and images from online news reports from broadsheet and tabloid press and post onto blog.
    - Analyse the images and sensationalist/emotive language used.
  • - How does the article construct representation of youth identity?
    - Is the broadcast biased?
    - Are youths given a fair voice?

You will find the presentation on D2L.

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